Brief Description of Selective Study Case No. 2:
Major Structural Engineered Rehabilitation & Repair, and Structural Optimization of Fully Deteriorated Stormwater Piping System at Neyland Stadium using Structural Epoxy and High Strength Carbon Reinforced Polymer for Structurally Robust Long Term Useful Operational Life. Asset Owner: University of Tennessee. The buried Non-Structural Shotcrete Stormwater Piping System segment was located about 60 feet below ground of 100+ years old Neyland Stadium, in Knoxville, Tennessee. The newly Engineered Protective and Structural Composite Piping System provides full structural integrity plus additional benefits (but not limiting to):
a. Able to withstand all the applicable structural design basis loads of soil and hydro loads.
b. High strength Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer provides a more robust long-term operating life by protecting the new composite pipe with resistance to creep rupture and fatigue failure.
c. A durable barrier against potential Inflow / Infiltration (I/I) of groundwater and stormwater.
d. Flow capacity increase due to Warren Epoxy’s Low Coefficient Of Roughness (COF) Vs. Shotcrete’s High COF.