Major Structural Engineered Rehabilitation & Repair, and Structural Optimization of Fully Deteriorated Buried 96” Diameter Concrete Piping & 4’x4’ Square Concrete Manhole Structures.

Brief Description of Selective Study Case No. 4:

Using Warren Structural Epoxy for Long Term Useful Operational Life. Asset Owner: City of Fort Worth. The newly Engineered Protective, Structural Rehabilitation & Repair provided full structural integrity plus additional benefits (but not limiting to): 

A. Able to withstand all the applicable structural design basis loads of soil and hydro loads.

B. A durable barrier against potential Inflow / Infiltration (I/I) of groundwater and stormwater, and hydrogen sulfide attack.

C. Pipe flow capacity increase due to Warren Epoxy’s Low Coefficient Of Roughness (COF) Vs. Deteriorated Concrete’s High COF.

The following pictures provide a view of their As-Found & As-Left Conditions of the Rehabilitated/Repaired Structures: